You may never draw on a blank piece of paper again

Starting Thursday, November 14, 2024, 7 – 9 pm
Delavan Studios, room 413
enter through 501 W Fayette St
Price: $15 (or 1 punch when paying in-person)
In addition to drawing, collage is the primary medium for OFD president Scott Herrmann. Over the course of four sessions, he will share with you what he’s learned about ripped paper, prepared surfaces, found ephemera, mark-making, rudimentary printmaking, and transferring images. If you want to add some dimension to your work, experiment with some new methods, or simply enjoy making a mess and having fun, this is the workshop for you!
Each session will feature demonstrations from Scott, followed by hands-on practice. Your “final assignment” will be to create a fully collaged surface that you will then draw on, working from one of our world-famous live models.
Supplies: you will eventually need a substrate to work on, and your adhesive of choice. Not necessary for the first class, and Scott will discuss his preferred choices. Also start thinking about collecting items to collage with, literally any printed material will do: newspapers, magazines, pages from books, phone books, receipts, wallpaper, wrapping paper, greeting cards, brochures, photographs, postcards, photocopies, paint swatches, etc, etc, etc!!
Check out the following artists:
• Robert Rauschenberg
• Kurt Schwitters
• Hannah Hoch
• Russell Mills
• Nidhal Chamekh
1. Image Transfer, Thursday November 14, 7 – 9 pm
One of the main hallmarks of collage is taking images out of their original context and forcing them into a new context. Simply pasting two images together is probably the most well known way to accomplish this, but there are other, non-glue ways that can be done with stuff you have lying around the house. Come see how it’s done! We will have plenty of paper to work on and play with, but you are welcome to bring your own. 100# smooth paper is ideal. You are encouraged to find and bring old projects you’ve set aside. One thing we will be continually stressing is that anything old can be made new again. We will also have plenty of imagery to play with but you are more than welcome to bring your own. For the methods being demonstrated, you must bring toner copies! Laser copies don’t work.
2. Textures and Such, Thursday November 21, 7 – 9 pm
Collage translates from French as “pasted papers, ” and for this session Scott will explore how to achieve textures with paper, glue, and paint to create exciting backgrounds to draw on. There will be demonstrations by Scott, and then some hands-on practice. It’s going to get messy!
3. Creating a Surface, Thursday December 5, 7 – 9 pm
There will be a final project for this workshop! You will create a prepared surface using the methods learned and then draw on it. The third session will be a totally hands-on workshop where the process will begin and then you will bring your surface (homework!) to the fourth session…
4. Drawing on the Surface, Thursday December 12, 7 – 9 pm
…where we will work from a live model, using your collaged, prepared surface. Fair warning: you may never work on a blank piece of paper again!
This session is open to anyone who wants to join without instruction, like the usual uninstructed figure drawing sessions. The session will consist of 1 pose for 90 minutes.
These classes are part of in Open Figure Drawing’s 2024 Education Project – Today’s Studio Artists
All events, times, locations, etc, are subject to change.
Register$15 (or 1 punch when paying in-person)
You must pay to complete your registration.
Register online using the form below
by mail or in person during any OFD session by printing and completing this form.
There are scholarships available to help anyone who would like to attend. Call Iver Johnson 315-475-3400.

This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by CNY Arts.