
Group Show Catalog

Our 35th Anniversary Catalog contains over 50 submissions by 36 artists, the most artists we’ve ever had contribute artwork to a single show!

The catalog includes OFD participants’ contributions to The (R)Evolution Spring 2024 show.

Available at any Open Figure Drawing session at Delavan Studios for $15 each. Buy one at your next visit to OFD.

Many other catalogs from previous OFD group shows are available for $10 each.

Group Show Catalog 2023 spring

The Spring 2023 Group Show catalog is now available! It contains artwork from the 13 OFD participants who submitted art to this show.

$10 each. Buy one at your next visit to OFD.

Available at any Open Figure Drawing session at Delavan Studios.

Many other catalogs from previous OFD group shows are available too.

Group Show Catalog 2023 Fall

The Fall 2023 Group Show catalog is now available! It contains artwork from all OFD participants who submitted art to this show.

$10 each. Buy one at your next visit to OFD.

Available at any Open Figure Drawing session at Delavan Studios.

Cover art by Donna de Monte.

Many other catalogs from previous OFD group shows are available too.

Group Show Catalog 2022

$10 each. Buy one at your next visit to OFD.

Available at any Open Figure Drawing session atDelavan Studios.

Catalog of Outdoor and Zoom Session Artwork 2020

Our 2020 – 2021 Catalog of Zoom & Outdoor Drawing session artwork is available at Delavan Studios during any of our drawing sessions for $10.

Thanks to everyone who contributed artwork!

Group Show Catalog 2019

$10 each. Buy one at your next visit to OFD.

If we have anhy left, they are available at any Open Figure Drawing session at Delavan Studios.

Group Show Catalogs from Past Shows

We have been printing catalogs of OFD participants artwork since 2004. Many of these older ones are still available. For the older ones, you can buy them at a discount: 3 for $20.

Open Figure Drawing, since 1989