Bring New Artwork by March 19
Reception: Saturday, March 22
We encourage you all to join open Figure Drawing as part of the Portrait Show in Room 413!
Bring as much artwork as will fit on 2 cables.
Please include an entry form with your artwork
Open Figure Drawing will have 4 show this year & every year. This year, they are:
1. Mike Show
2. Portrait Show
3. Anything But People show
4. Clothed Show
If you have artwork in our studio from the Mike Show, you must pick it up at the latest by March 19, (7 – 10 pm) or any time before then.
Please read the rules below.
- Anyone who has joined us for a drawing session in the last year may submit 2D artwork.
Artwork must not have been shown in a previous Group Show with OFD. - How to Enter
Submit an entry form with your artwork. Your artwork cannot have been part of a previous group show. - Deliver artwork to Delavan Studios on Wednesday, March 19, between 7 – 10 pm, during Open Figure Drawings session. You can submit as much artwork as will fit on 2 cables using our hanging system. If you have smaller artwork, you will be able to fit more pieces.
The show ends Sunday, June 22, 1-3 pm. - Identify your artwork. Include your name and phone number (or e-mail or street address). Optionally, include a title, media, and size information. We also suggest signing and dating your work.
- Artwork must be framed and ready to hang from our hanging system.
- Work can be for sale, but does not have to be. Open Figure Drawing takes a 10% commission on all sales.
- Optional: Package your artwork.
Since we will not be transporting the artwork for this show, it is up to you if you think it needs packaging to deliver it safely to us. Please take all packaging with you after you deliver your artwork.