When: Sunday October 29, 2023, 1:00 – 3:30 pm
Where: Pompey, NY
Address given upon registration.
2nd floor studio, above garage (no elevator)
$25 or 2 punches
Lucie is well known for her watercolor work, and she will share her expertise in this special workshop/demonstration at her home studio. She has been painting using watercolors since 1997. Her formal training is in Surface Pattern design, which led to 15 years of designing dinnerware. She was raised and still lives in a part of the state that has an abundance of rolling hills, dairy farms, woods, fields, wildflowers and trees; their presence influences her daily life and painting. Lucie will focus on wet on wet technique in this workshop
This is the 7th event in OFD’s series Today’s Studio Artists.
Lucie will guide participants through the steps of painting a loosly-representative portrait in watercolor from a reference photo (no model).
What to bring
- Slippers or comfortable indoor shoes
The studio has cherry floors - Reference photo of a person
The head and face should mostly fill the page, much like an ID photo. Please bring 3 or more 8.5×11″ cheap paper copies of the reference photo, so we can draw on it to find shapes, shadows, and highlights, fold them, cut them up. - Supplies
If this is a brand-new experience for you, and you don’t want to purchase new supplies, there will be some supplies on hand to borrow.
Drawing Supplies
1. Sketch paper
2. Soft pencil suitable for quickly shading
3. Eraser: Kneaded erasers are good on watercolor paper because they don’t tear it up
4. Optional: compass or dividers, straight edge
Painting Supplies
1. Sturdy, waterproof board, about 11×14
Any stiff board wrapped in packing tape to make it waterproof
2. Watercolor paper
Arches 140 pound cold press or similar 100% cotton rag paper. Anything less quality than this will not be suitable. Single sheets of good quality paper will be available to buy at the workshop at cost.
3. Two water containers (we’ll have jugs of water on hand)
4. Rags or paper towels
5. Masking Tape (white or off-white) to attach the paper to the board
6. Brushes
Recommended: Solo Horton 2105 Professional Red Sable Watercolor Brush, available online
7. Watercolor paints and a palette for mixing– some paints will be on hand to use if you don’t have any paint.
The location is a private studio above a residential garage and is not handicapped accessible. Access is up 14 fairly steep steps. Bathroom is in the house.
$25 or two ticket punches- There are scholarships available to help anyone who would like to attend. Call 315-475-3400.
Registration is limited to 8 participants. You must pay to complete your registration. If more than 8 people are interested, Lucie may do another session of the workshop.
All events, times, locations, etc, are subject to change.
Registration is now closed. Contact us if you’d like Lucie to have another session.

This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by CNY Arts.